The library provides a number of activities that you can particpate in for free
This is an open lab where people in the the public can come and try out various technology avaialble in the Innovation Lab. This activities is held the 2nd Monday of every month from 12 pm - 3 pm.
Patrons can learn the basics of using a Windows Computer. Please check the library's calendar of events for days and times.
Preschool & Toddler STEAM Time Parents and their little ones can join us in the Innovation Lab on the 1st Monday of every month for centers around STEAM.This position is currently open. Students who are 16 and older may apply. Must be in studying computer science in school.
You can get one-on-one tech help from the Library. Call 262.636.9217 and press option 3 when the voice menu popus up.
We can help with a variety of different questions. The only thing that we do not help with is hardware repair.
Don't know how to use Libby, no problem, we can help you learn how to check out ebooks from the library for free
Hoopla is going away at the end of the year due to the increase costs, sorry for the incovience this may cause. Check out Libby before the end of the year!